Sunday, April 8, 2007

"Innovation & Technology in Designing Housing"

In my research, I came across this article from Materia Magazine (May-Aug 05) by Maria Argenti & Maura Percoco. It is about the same premise that my thesis is on...that how architecture is no longer static and can be as varied and varied by the people who inhabit it.

"It [domestic space] allows everyone to carve out his/her own tailor-made habitat, to move beyond the concept of architectural space as something fixed, immutable, forever frozen. Dividing walls have become dynamic, they have lightweight surfaces, are full height and can be used by individuals to invent and reconfigure their living spaces adapting them to nighttime and daytime cycles. Equally dynamic external facades transform themselves, variously letting in the desired amount of natural light, shading or ventilating spaces. The result is a surface with a configuration as impermanent as the lives of its inhabitants, in which plurailty and changeability are emphasised with means that technology makes available, along with the well-considered use of materials."

One thing that I would like to focus in on is the contrast of the hotel, which is a 24-hour space, against the bar, which has clearly defined moments of life and stillness. In addition, the High Line is a space that will operate in a 24-hour cycle, and uses lighting as a way to define the differences. So the bar is set in between these two spaces that never sleep...however, it only joins them at night.


marc said...

i like your conclusion here...
can you make a drawing to measure these durations against each other..?

marc said...

dont forget about happy hour

marc said...

maybe title your project 'happy hours'