Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I'm alive!

I'm right here Marc, just saving the best for last ;p jk!

Kate, I actually tried that seesaw bench you have posted. It was a pain! I have a picture to prove it which of course is only good for private viewing :)


Kate Nazzaro said...

haha, how many were sitting on the bench? i want to try it out!

Kate Nazzaro said...

i would actually like to catapult someone off of that bench like we used to do on the playground :)

Unknown said...

it was just my friend and i. me being the heavy one remained at the bottom (boo). it was even hard to take a decent photo since we wanted to keep it balanced but once we did, i always slammed down to the floor. i hated it.

oh you big bully! so typical of a soccer girl ;p