Saturday, February 17, 2007

Suspended? Cantilever

IT-Universitet, Rued Langgaards Vej 7

Undercover Lab by Klein Dytham

Hafenbüro Rohner


Kate Nazzaro said...

Thanks for all of those images, they are great. I was referring to suspended architecture in terms of the nests/hives I posted before Nykredit. Then I saw Nykredit, which, although not suspended, got me thinking in a similar direction...I could not find any truly suspended structures, cantilevered was the closest thing...

marc said...

you should go to the morgan library...renzo piano

im. said...

Kate, there is a project by Aires Mateus you should see... Casa em Brejos de Azeitao... a winery converted to a house. It is somewhere on their website, look under "Casas."