Thursday, April 12, 2007


Our final pin-up/review is scheduled for Tuesday, April 24. Then the book is due Tuesday, May 8 (?)...
Most of us have final studio presentations on Friday, April 27. The official last week of class is the week of April 30. Is there any way we can do our final pin-up/review on Tuesday, May 1 and hand in the book on May 8?
I realize you may have already scheduled critics, etc. but just wanted to ask because it will give us more time under less hectic circumstances to focus on the final review.


marc said...

let me look into this...
yes...i ahave already invited critics...
but i will do what i can to take some pressure off if possible...

marc said...

i thin kthe books are due earlier...i need to review w anita...find out what is possible...

Kate Nazzaro said...

Okay, thanks a lot. Even if the books were due the same day (May 1) it would help to have that extra time.