This diagram captures the following information*:
1. The main spaces in the program- Lobby, Vertical Circulation, High Line, Hotel Rooms**, Bar. These are represented by the rectangles.
2. The square footage of each space (height of rectangle)
3. The occupancy of each space (width of rectangle)
4. The privacy level of each space (saturation level of rectangle; lightest = most private)
5. The connections between spaces. Not neccessarily adjacencies, but rather an analysis of likely circulation. ie: People may go from the lobby straight to the bar- so there is a circulation connection there. However, this does not mean that the bar is adjacent to the lobby. (Red lines = connections)
*I can't get the scan to come in dark enough, so double-click on the image to see it larger. Also, the red lines are dashed and intersect rectangles when there is a connection but do not intersect if there is not a connection.
**The number, and therefore occupant level of the hotel rooms varies between floors. Therefore, each floor has been represented individually. They all have the same saturation level so it is clear which of the rectangles represent hotel rooms)
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