Thursday, April 12, 2007

Diagram Help

I am a very scientific-minded, practical person who has therefore had trouble trying to diagram qualitatively. I am really unhappy with the diagrams I have produced and wanted to see if anyone could help me come up with ideas of what to diagram, how to think about diagramming, etc. I begin researching one thing, which takes me off into a tangent about another thing and before you know it I am miles away from my origin. So many things interest me that it is hard to narrow things down to what really matters at the moment. If anyone can give insight on their process of conceiving and developing diagrams, it would be much appreciated. Even if I don't get a chance to make them this semester, it is something I could work on over the summer. I think the diagram could especially be helpful in defining the architecture of what I called the "curious, thought-provoking" ceiling of the High Line in my writing last week.


hyeryun said...

Dear Kate
I have a exactly same problem as you know.
Still I am not that clear about the diagramming. But one story helped me a little. I hope it works for you too.
When the architect,i think paul andrew, design the airport. He started think about what is the airport. everyone knows to get on nad off the plains. But he noticed the air port is the place where is keep moving. and their are very closely related each other like passengers air crafts and all workers. after for a while he reach the idae od one leaf. Think about leaf. how many veins? are there. from the main one, thounds of veins divided. but they are related very closely, something like that....
Think about your project carefully without prejudice or preconception. maybe you can get a some idea. I think you can develope some idea from the blind date. curiousness beginning of entrance like the blind date. the tension and expectation of the lobby and finally get the comfort in the room like you got a right person in the blind date.
I don't know it makes sense. I know you will get a idea because you have worked very hard. I hope it could help you a little bit.
Good luck!!!

Jeong said...

Here are some architects who use diagrams actively to their work.
maybe understanding others' diagrams could be one of to start yours. I hope that it could helpful to you.

Ben Van Berkel

Vincente Guallart

n Archtects

Kate Nazzaro said...

Thank you both, very helpful!