Monday, April 16, 2007


please remember that you are to be pinned up (all work from semester...models and drawings) as if you were presenting for the final by 5pm tomorrow.
if you will be a few minutes late for carol crawfords trip you are still required to have your stuff pinned it prior, so you can jump right in to our discussion...
let me make this very clear...EVERYBODY should be pinned up @ 5pm...regardless if you are present at that time.


Jeong said...

As you know, Hyeryun and I have a field trip 3:30-5:00 in Manhattan. To pin-up prior, we need to do that around 2:30, but there is a class at that time in our class room. Could you give us the other way?

marc said...

you should secure your own space...
however i will allow you to pin up when you get back if a problem.
please get back QUICKLY.

marc said...
