Sunday, April 8, 2007


This is the book I talked you before

Peter Eisenman's diagram diaries

I will bring this book next tuesday class.


Kate Nazzaro said...

Hopefully this book will be helpful for making better diagrams...I have had trouble making good qualitative diagrams and really want to do a couple good ones before the semester ends. I am now thinking about diagramming nest-making pattern of birds after reading Bachelard's chapter on "Nests." My thesis is all about the reciprocal relationship of architecture influencing individuals and individuals influencing architecture. The "Nests" chapter is very much about the individuality of each bird actually shaping the architecture of their nests. The nest provids function for the bird (security, warmth, etc.) but the bird actually imprints it's own individuality on it by it's particular selection of building materials and actually pressing the sides of the nest with its breast to create the right shape.

marc said...

nests are pretty much the only thing humans cannot build...

marc said...

what about 'nesting'

marc said...

security, warmth ...this is good

Kate Nazzaro said...
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Kate Nazzaro said...

In terms of 'nesting' as opposed to a 'nest' I was thinking about the layers of protection/shelter in a bird's world: the TREE protects and provides a comfortable place to build a nest...the NEST protects and provides a comfortable place to lay an egg(s)...the EGG provides protective covering for the chick.

marc said... are describing the act of 'nesting'