Friday, May 4, 2007
2. what I have to think about
-how I organize animals and human
-as vertical or horizon??
-ecological pyramid?
-food chain?
-develpe program and inhabitation, who occupy?
I'm not saying the zoo is the mirror of human.
they had specific relationship to be educated or to be showed. But when I investigate monkeys and animals, I couldn't feel any mirror.. any similiarity with me.
Do I run like them?
Do I eat like them..
I don't want to say reflection but "Touch"
Touches what?
human may have character inside that they've never be experiened or educated.
human may never recognize their character to be hidden ..(I'm saying just hidden,,)
For instance, there's fish in the water such as aquarium.
1. I wanna swim like them.
2. I wanna swim and be free in the sea, beach,, there being inspiratd human being admires nature,kind of utopia
3. I'm feeling that I can't breath,, they're aliving in the water and I'm on the ground,,
there face seems flat, I'm a ball, over the glass partion, the air feels gravity of water, either
It sound like surreal
when I mixes two different community, every elements compose the space mix together virtually, and then it touches human( my) nerve,, and create totally different sense
my reaction 3....
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
todays review
we will be pinning up with anita's you may want to follow their lead...
please be pinned up and ready to go @ 3pm...
the exception being the 2 that will arrive @ 4pm...
Monday, April 30, 2007
Last Tango in paris

In the opening scene of this film'Last tango in Paris', there are two piceces of bacon's portrait works that represent this movie's story.
Zanne shoot guy but she didn't recognize who killed such as a bacon's distorted portrait.
Her dialogue becomes overlapped with his pictures.
Bacon's picture represents what is identity in the community between human and human. In addition to, he decripted chaotic and inaccurated relationship between human. Especially when he put together and mix two different characters, woman and man, it shows more disorder. In hence, his pictures doesn't represent who involves this community, but how we identify ourselves by way or method.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Umbrella Diagram

...There are 125 days of rain annually (on average) in New York City. There are two months of extreme heat and sunlight. These 185 days are when umbrellas come out to provide shelter for their occupants. In order to open the umbrella, once must slide the stem upward, and outward until the ribs extend fully and stretch the nylon into a 'roof'. This diagram interprets these movements and seasonal conditions.
After the storm last Friday, I started thinking about the umbrella as architecture. A functional place for shelter from the immediate, transportable roof to create a implicit space with the slide of a mechanism.
It relates directly to my project as it goes along with the word "sliding" and is architecture that transforms soley based on human touch and movement.
I observed a lot of umbrellas that day...big golf umbrellas, clear mushroom-shaped umbrellas, and lots of little purse-sized umbrellas that didn't seem to be providing that much shelter for it's occupant at all...
They danced along the sidewalk, bobbing with the footsteps of its owner, obscuring their lowered faces but revealing some information as to the height and pace of the owner. Most times the implicit space beneath the umbrella was not respected, as people continued to push each other as they stepped into the subway and tried to navigate croweded sidewalks. But as the sole pedestrian on my street, the nylon above and the rain falling from the edges created a little dry space inside/beneath for me to hide...
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Noah's Ark
Friday, April 27, 2007
continue to do so...
our review will begin @ 3pm next tuesday.
please remind me if you have class then.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
program diagram

I didn't know that we have to post by 6. I thought just until tuesday.
Anyway this is my program diagram.
Out side of box is Time square and in side box is my hostel.
As I explained about my program, my hostel is seperated in to three part.
Entrance which is the door from the time square.
Lobby is middle part between city and hidden space in hostel.
Rooms, laundry, kitchen and showers are hidden space in hostel.
From the entrance door to lobby is open to public so anybody can enjoy this space.
But hidden space as rooms and other facilities are only permitted who are using rooms in hostel.
I'm alive!
Kate, I actually tried that seesaw bench you have posted. It was a pain! I have a picture to prove it which of course is only good for private viewing :)
Program Diagram

My diagram represents an elevation of my program that is color coded similar to the table I have posted along with its qualitative and quantitative aspects and their adjacencies
Blue being the main areas such as entrance, lobby, boarding area, etc.
Gray being the administrative spaces
Yellow for miscellaneous areas such as restroom, cafe, etc.
elderly community program

Greenish area is meaning park, or garden.
And the city itself is also projected on the building.
I found another beauty of city which is projecting shadows on building surface. I got a clue to connect with previous shadow study. (this time, it is not a negative way)
Projecting shadows doesn’t effect on buildings physically, but it is still involved with its environments. I imagined the wandering over shadows. I wanted to bring the neighbor into the community. If they follow shadows that they can see now, they might reach in front of building façade.
let me be very clear.
the assignment for today should be posted by 6pm tonight.
dont blow this off, your evaluation may be tainted by leaving a weak impression on your professor in the last week.
Monday, April 23, 2007
anita has cancelled her review for tomorrow.
instead we will share our review with her.
we will not meet tomorrow, however, you are required to post your assignment.
we can talk about the final assignment following.
anita is still making some decisions about her final review.
i will post info later this afternoon.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
See Saw Bench
Friday, April 20, 2007

Traveler who came from outside of New York
-walking from time square to the hostel
Standing in the middle of Time Square makes me lost the way and time. Packed people from all over the countries and huge buildings obstruct my direction. Also gigantic bulletin boards with sparkling light and moving images make Time Square always bright even in night time as if it lost time. One step back from this magnificence Time Square view, there is huge gray concrete wall is standing in the middle of skyscraper. This wall consists of 4 plates which are tilted to the door. These diagonal walls make the door have a power of inhaling people in to it. Enter the door and follow the long and narrow corridor, at the end of it there is another huge space. It is bright, white and glowing phantasmal space. Looking above this space there are doors. Entering one of the doors there is hidden space. It is unexpected space looking from outside. This hidden space is just like a retreat space from the city life. It is separate from noisy and complex city life. Here people can fill their desire to depart from present and to experience another world.
- lying on the bed
The view from the bed to outside is not clear and is flickering. The wall between bed and outside is reflecting and semi transparence. It is not vivid enough to figure what it is outside. This wall is showing not only view from outside but also reflecting me. It reflects me as the person who wants to escape from the ordinary life but still staying in daily routine. But on the other hands it reflects my future with bright and glows. Traveling is a chance to step back from ordinary life and look my life in other perspectives. In this room I can see my present and my future life together.
Person who is living and working in NewYork City
Living in a big city, especially in New York City, is very lonely and dry. Busyness and complexity emphasize these feelings. Repeated daily life is boring and even reduces desire of life. Sometimes people dream of deviations, but it is always restrained by realities. In midtown where is full of skyscraper, there is a hidden space to run away from routine for a while. Inside that door is having different time and space from our lives. Outside of the door is very fast, gray, fixed and complex but inside of the door is very slow, bright, free and simple. That huge wall and door is entrance to get to another world.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Program Diagram

This diagram captures the following information*:
1. The main spaces in the program- Lobby, Vertical Circulation, High Line, Hotel Rooms**, Bar. These are represented by the rectangles.
2. The square footage of each space (height of rectangle)
3. The occupancy of each space (width of rectangle)
4. The privacy level of each space (saturation level of rectangle; lightest = most private)
5. The connections between spaces. Not neccessarily adjacencies, but rather an analysis of likely circulation. ie: People may go from the lobby straight to the bar- so there is a circulation connection there. However, this does not mean that the bar is adjacent to the lobby. (Red lines = connections)
*I can't get the scan to come in dark enough, so double-click on the image to see it larger. Also, the red lines are dashed and intersect rectangles when there is a connection but do not intersect if there is not a connection.
**The number, and therefore occupant level of the hotel rooms varies between floors. Therefore, each floor has been represented individually. They all have the same saturation level so it is clear which of the rectangles represent hotel rooms)
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Diagram of using Fork
Material Collage
Programming-1st draft
isometic sketch based on section plan

It is isometic drawing.
I draw it based on section plan.
It's showing pathway and circulation from first floor to top. In addition to section plan is one of the most important work to progress my concept. I tried to show volume according to different two zone, human and animal. It's volume doesn't only show division between office and zoo, also represent how they are organized.
Monday, April 16, 2007
I am from Africa, and now I live in the top of the building called 'Pent house'.
Actually I'm supposed to live in the first floor, or the second floor because the buiding is planned by geographical level of mountain circumstance. But people move me to the top of the biulding for night light effect. This building is under inspiration of nature, landscape and fantasy. Some people still believe the legend that animals live in the moon. Actually I'm living in the moon hanged over the building. In my roon, the lighting is installed under the floor, not directly. And my wall is translucen, sometimes I feel like in the smoged jungle of dawn. I came here with my mom, and I still live with her together. We have used to talk about huminity in the room. It doesn't only control temperture but also make reflection with wall and lighting from the botton of it. And the right side, there is huge empty tunnel space for elevator, the sun light penetrates from the ceiling to first floor throught the space. Sometimes we used to have an illusion like a waterfall that I saw in my town. When elevator goes up and down with people, it seems like it drives through the tunnel of light or waterfall. One of the interesting thing is that elevator is almost transparent, it seems they moves like flying. At night, the elevator tunnel lighting is switched on, presenting a brilliant display of reflaction.

I had a problem with, how apply my concept to the space. So, I analyze the cabinet to understand its compositions, relationships between inside and outside, defined surfaces, way to open, directions, ..... Inner space is limited by outer surfaces. The rails not only work as a connector between two volumes but also define the direction.
it may be possible to have on review on the 1st of may.
let me know asap if this is a problem for any of you.
dont count on it yet.
if you will be a few minutes late for carol crawfords trip you are still required to have your stuff pinned it prior, so you can jump right in to our discussion...
let me make this very clear...EVERYBODY should be pinned up @ 5pm...regardless if you are present at that time.
Sunday, April 15, 2007

I've been looking at what water could do with architecture and this by far is the most fascinating thing I've come across with. The BLUR BUILDING designed by Elizabeth Diller and (husband) Ricardo Scofidio is a media pavilion for Swiss Expo 2002. The pavilion is made of filtered lake water shot as a fine mist through 13,000 fog nozzles creating an artificial cloud that measures 300 feet wide by 200 feet deep by 65 feet high. A built-in weather station controls fog output in response to shifting climatic conditions such as temperature, humidity, wind direction, and wind speed.
There are more features to this besides making a big cloud. There's a Glass box that having a space with glass on six sides, visitors will experience a “sense of physical suspension only heightened by an occasional opening in the fog.” Visitors can climb another level to the Angel Bar at the summit.

The final ascent resembles the sensation of flight as one pierces through the cloud layer to the open sky. Here, visitors relax, take in the view, and choose from a large selection of commercial waters, municipal waters from world capitals, and glacial waters. At night, the fog will function as a dynamic and thick video screen.
Dynamic Windows

This idea stemmed from two of my original verbs, "sliding," and "overlap."
These window panels can be moved in any direction, up, down, left or right and will overlap the window adjacent to it in different patterns creating different lighting conditions for each room's occupant. I imagine that some occupants will react to other's actions which will create even more movement, overlap and patterning. This is something that can be seen by the hotel guest from the interior of the individual room but also as a moving exterior facade where passerby can see the whole fabric. Also, some windows will have normal transparent glass, which will affect the levels of opacity and add to the drama.
This ties back into my thesis of the individuals affecting the way that the architecture looks, but each individual movement creates different window views which in turn, the architecture influences the individual.
I imagine that even if this is not a facade space, it could be rooms that look onto the bar area and affect that area.
Further exploration of this idea will include color theory, such as level of saturation as well as emotional response to color (cool colors might be a better choice)...
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Slinky Bench

I was thinking about furniture that could change as different individuals used it. The idea for this particular piece stemmed from the gorilla that makes a nest by weaving leaves together and then holding them taut with his body weight (see "Chimpanzee Nest" post from February blog). This is something I would put in a public space, such as the lobby, and it would be long and slinky, like a winding bench. It would be made up of different height wooden bars/slats with rounded edges. I started to think about if people sat in it, the slats would move down under their weight, and (possibly?) change the ceiling condition below or become a wavy inverted/upside-down version of the slinky bench on the ceiling below. When the person got up, the slats would rise again slowly back to the original position.
After I had a good time with co-residents, I decide to stop by chapel. The chapel is very close by activities room. But inside of that is so quiet that I can have a sanctuary in this noisy New York City. It’s so quiet and solemn. Actually that chapel doesn’t have any solid doors. As I walk along the corridor my eyes are following the rows of shadows. Yellow shadows are leading me into space. Finally I see small room filled with yellow lights. I have a seat as usual, because this is only spot where I can see cross. Outside louvers make mysterious and rhythmical cast shadows on the floor. I don’t know how much time that I spend in chapel, but inside of chapel is getting bright. According to instruction, the lighting in this kind of space is getting dimmer on and off every 30 minutes. That makes me control easily, so I don’t need to worry about an absent-mind. On my way back to the entrance on the first floor, I smell some baking cookies. I didn’t know what I need until I smell it. The smell wakes my appetite up and tells me that it’s tea time. I’m going to get some cookies and teas. I pass by nursing station. I don’t need to worry about emergency. Actually what I like the nurse station about is not only safety but also hotel-reception desk-like countertop and comfortable sofa. Sometimes I read a book here and I feel like I’m in hotel in the middle of travel. I also like this snakes like lamp. I feel like I can more focus on my book. That is very special moment for me. im going to come here tomorrow afternoon agian.
I need to wake up. How long did I sleep? I don’t remember. I can see warm light from the windows. I think it’s afternoon. I stand up, and I’m thinking. Where I am now? I have to make a dinner for my dear. I have to go grocery shopping. I have to get out of here. Open the windows; I’m looking down the park. I’m going to water my tomatoes. I went outside; I don’t know where I am. I’m walking on corridor. I can see exit sign. That’s it. I want to get out of here. This corridor is warm bright. I really like to walk through here. Finally I got there, suddenly it’s too dark. I’m hesitating to go forward. A corridor slopes gently upward. The dark-color painted corridor seems like no light. The dense and tactile feeling of an intensive blackness makes me hesitate to continue my way. Stepping through the corridor, I reach a heightened a balcony-like structure where comfortable chairs provide my final position of the darkness. I sit down there and wait for lighting. I almost forgot to make some lunch for my children. They are going to be home soon. But where am I? Now I can see a thing. And I look around it. There is an un-uniformed very dim light spots that leads me to go back in there. Oh boy, I have to make good dinner for my dear…

– I’m going to see my grandma who lives in the senior community. I got off from the subway station, I walk along 73rd street. Beautiful trees are stretching to sky. I recall my grandma, she is really nice to me. She likes to make friends, and she has a very strong personality. While I’m thinking of her, a yellow lighting coming from one slit of windows caught on my sight. This is what she said before which I never miss it. I walk into through automatic doors; hotel lobby-like reception desk welcomes me. After passing through low ceiling from the entrance, I’m approaching in reception desk, my eye are following up to skylight. Filtered soft daylights are falling down to the first floor. Because every floor has their own angles, overlapped floor are diffusing the light from its own color-glass edges. I can see skylight. It’s not directed sunshine. There are interesting shaped shadows on the wall. I don’t know where they come from exactly. I immediately notice that one point on the 3rd floor is more glowing with pink color, and unconsciously I follow that color. As I step on the ramp which is gently going up, I can see that glowing point from everywhere, because the lamp is running along with cloister-like corridor. While I’m looking around 3rd floor, my grandma comes from upstairs. She looks good. Zebra-like shadows are on her way. She gave me a hug as always. And we go back to down stairs. There is a family room. She said she wants to show me her art works that are displayed in the room.
please read
i am considering not even bothering because the majority of the class cant do anything on time.
this is unacceptable and well noted.
Friday, April 13, 2007
"Space Redefined in Chelsea"
I walk along the Plymouth street, then I can meet the entrance of the restaurant. The door is not big but feels like absorb everything. I usually visit this restaurant around 5:00 p.m. because I think this is the most beautiful moment in this restaurant.
Whenever, I walk into the restaurant step by step, soft light come through the window which has a stunning view of the Manhattan backdrop. Moreover, sometimes, the light reflects the glass and through the wire mesh and then scatters. I love the harmony of the quality of the light in the atmosphere. After I recognize harmony of light, I habitually glance at the kitchen. They also have open kitchen, moreover, it located in the center of the restaurant. Whenever I see chef’s working, it is a great performance. Food is a kind of masterpiece of fire, ingredients, tools, and a chef.
And then I walk up the stairs in order to sit my favorite space. The way to go to upstairs, I can see the variety of ceiling heights and a number of stories. This is the strong point of the atmosphere because I could choose the one that has different character. However, most of all, I prefer to sit on the mezzanine and it makes me feel that I am floating in the space.
Gabriel Chi, Male, 42, Chef
Whenever I walk up the entrance stairs, I feel like I am entering another space. I usually walk across the dining and hear the sound of footsteps sonorous around the hall which is made of thick stone and wood. And then, I go to downstairs in order to change my cloth. I think the best attraction of the downstairs is the light from the top of windows. It comes softly and spread throughout the kitchen. Actually, the morning is the best time to feel the moment. Sometimes it gives different feeling from a main kitchen which is located in the first floor. I think it comes from the size of window and amount of light. Whenever I arrive the main kitchen, I feel cold first time because tons of steels make me feel cold. However, after few minutes it changes warm because I can feel the light comes from the window. I think it is warm orange which spread through out the steel countertop. I look through the window which is located on the opposite side of the kitchen. It contains a view of Manhattan with tons of light. I love the scene of contrast between the view and this space.
Dennis Roddy, Male, 27, Waiter
From I start my work to finish it, I usually walk inside of the restaurant all day long. When I arrive our restaurant, I go to downstairs first in order to change my cloth. Walking along the staircase, I always think about the thickness of wall which is made of rough stone between first floor and downstairs unconsciously. It makes me feel confusedly. Where is the boundary between first floor and downstairs? When I come back to first floor, my everyday life is start. This restaurant also has a big flow of the direction which across the building and it separate the restaurant each part. So when I work, I usually walk along the direction. I think it makes organize everything clearly.
Among all parts, my favorite part is a stair case. It drives me from inside of the building to outside. Whenever I pass the way, I feel I am in the outside. Moreover, it gives an opportunity to meet a breath taking view.
From the Employee
I am 48 years olds women who work in the gallery which is opened in Dumbo. I used work as a librarian 20 years in the same museum. I love my work especially in this place. I can say this gallery makes me feel that I come here for every day picnic. From the entrance, already I am not in the city. Sound of pebbles, the smell of flowers and grass and crispy morning sunlight greet me. By walking through the balcony stairs- I like this way instead of the elevator for employees- actually before to get the downstairs, I can reach the place from the smell of the coffee and the sound of music. I stop by thenorth corner locker room and then go to the employee’s lounge next to the locker room. Grab the a cup of coffee, I start to work. First of all, I go to the library where the corner of the west side is. Because of the its location, the people who use this library can take a deep sunlight until the evening. Every aisle has their own special section like a super market and the end of the each aisle has very comfortable sofa and chairs to read their book just next of the bamboo sunken garden. The other end of the aisle provides computer so that the people can check the all information. For the long stay visitors, the library provides big tables and chairs in the middle of the library. The table and chairs are made of deep brownish mahogany wood and all fabrics are beige and mint green. The sunlight and artificial lightings both are used in the library. Very intense lightings are use for the book shelves while the seating area is soft by defusing cove lightings. The visitor can read books in the café where is adjacent with the library. After check up the library, I go to the book store where is the middle of east side to say hello to Michelle who works in the book store. It is very different looking with the library while they both deal with books. Library has a big mahogany door which can blocked from noise while the book store has a low partitions with glass and about the ceiling, one is closed from the upstairs while the other on is opened to the air. In the middle
of the hole downstairs, there is a snack bar and café. Along the all side of wall there are many chairs which faced to the garden so that visitors can read eat and drink in the green. Actually, two side id blocked by wall. One is for the library the other one is for the children’s education center but the education center’s one is mane of Korean traditional papered lattice door so that I can see through but not clearly. That is why i don't think it is blocked. Sometimes the education center is used for the lecture by artist and others. This gallery has rooms for the artists who has their exhibition so that the art lover can get a information of the art works from the artist directly. In the upstairs there are offices. I haven’t been there yet but I heard every each floor has their own lounge and roof gardens. Entire floor is covered with bamboo wood except the library where covered with dark beige carpet. Soon this serene place will filled with the children laughing who come foe the art class which is provided from gallery for the community.
From the Visitor
To tell the truth, I am not that crazy of the art. Yesterday, I visited my friend who lives in Dumbo. She suggested visiting the museum which is just opened. Anyway it was too early to go for the dinner. Simply to kill the time, I and my friend walked down the street. Right after turned the corner of block, the big brick building with frosty glass wall got my eyes. It looked like brick one break into the glass one or the glass one embrace the brick one. However from the structure, It was good enough attractive.
Along the wood side walk, I can feel the greetings from the gallery by the softness of wood, not like the asphalt or cement, and the grass and pebbles pathway already. It had a two entrance. First one is covered by the big glass wall which is opened to the air. It made me to feel I am in the garden and the sound of pebble path sing through each my step like
snow. Until I passed the main building and the reception areas, I felt I am in the out door by the warm pinkish sunlight and shadows of trees. It looked like they are dancing by sunlight and breeze. In the exhibition hall had lots of partition for the art works but those partitions have certain angle so that the sight was not blocked. I was able to assume that the other exhibition hall is there through the people’s long shadow by sun light. The ceiling was continuously voided and opened to the sky. Blocked ceilings were controlled by artificial lights while voided ceiling gave us sunlight. The curator said this gallery’s concept is the Stacking of a different culture and the Harmony of the human and the nature. To regard of the meaning of the culture, the Stacking, it makes sense. And the shape of buildings which are leaned to each other shows the relationship of the human and the nature. It cannot be separated, if is, both will be collapse right away. It makes me think about the Global
warming. Between two exhibition halls, there is a balcony so that people can see the other level. I looked down the basement from the hall; the smell of coffee tempted me. Surprisingly the basement was brighter than first floor. The downstairs was opened every side of floor by the sunken garden. It was very tempting to explore the downstairs. But we had to leave for the reservation of the restaurant. It was great unexpected pleasure. I and my friend talked on the way to the restaurant to come back for the downstairs which has a library, book store and the café. Isn’t it better than kill the time in the coffee shop?
3 Naratives
From the Neighbor
After dinner, I take a walk around my house. It is the small reward to me after the long day. Smell of the water, dim lights from the city, warm darkness make all noise into the calm. Now I add one more pleasure in my every evening walk that is the new gallery opened a few weeks ago. The building has been there for a while, but they renovated on it. Now the building which combined two different figures loot to have some messages. Two structures are leaned on each other and connected very closely. So I can not think they are separated. Their indoor lighting is come out through the frosty glass wall, but since the glass are semi-transparent, every thing is not clearly reflected. I can just assume what is
going on there through the soft shadows. Even the red brick look soft peachy. Going close to the gallery, there is a wood side walk which reminds me my home town deck with swing chair. Actually it is not easy to see the wood deck in the city. On the wood side walk there are benches so that I can sit and enjoy the smell of grass and flowers and rivers. While I am sitting the bench I play with my toes for hear the sound of pebbles like a baby girl and I feel that the softness from the building melt every thing even the city noise and the spot light from cars.
So far I just have enjoyed the deck, outdoors of the gallery, because I didn’t have a time, I usually come back home from the work after the gallery was closed. Next Tuesday is my day off. To visit the gallery is the first plan of my holiday.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Diagram Help
Elderly People and Green Roofs

I was researching green roofs and came across this article from Architectural Record that I thought would be interesting to you. It is especially good for your site because it is a way to introduce a safe, private, healing, outdoor environment to the residents of your community, as well as doing something to coutneract the effect of the "heat island" that is Manhattan! In addition, I think that it goes along with the verticality of your design and the use of natural light sources. Here is the excerpt relevant to your project:
"The City of Chicago’s Department of the Environment began to promote green roofs in the mid-1990s. They provided grants for roofs, such as one for Schwab Rehabilitation Hospital, designed by Stephen Rankin Associates, to reduce the heat island effect. In July 2004, U.S. News & World Report named Schwab as one of the top U.S. hospitals, citing the therapeutic environment of the unique rooftop garden as one of the reasons.
David Rahija, Schwab’s Director of Inpatient Therapy, is excited by this thriving garden, completed in 2003. He says “The garden is not only a place for patients but also a place for staff to relax.” Master Gardeners, a volunteer gardening program, has volunteered to assist with plant maintenance. Above the roof membrane system, some of this roof is paved with a highly reflective concrete paver on pedestal walkway. The roof has deep planting beds, trees, and a flowing stream built up above the roof deck, accessible from the therapy rooms. Patients in wheelchairs can plant flowers in wheelchair accessible flowerbeds. Planting, weeding, and watering improve motor coordination, and manual dexterity. Therapists have designed programs for sensory stimulation and for learning relaxation techniques. Staff and patients appreciate the ability to go outside. Patients are provided with a safe outdoor space, where therapists use horticulture therapy to heal and restore well-being. This verdant garden grows benefits beyond initial costs, through spiritual healing and environmental benefits for patients and caregivers."
Lindy Roy Lecture

Tonight I went to the Lawrence J. Israel Lecture Series at FIT, which this year hosted Lindy Roy as the speaker.
She talked about most of her projects and I was able to take away a lot of great insight both generally- regarding design process as well as specifically- regarding my thesis project.
She talked about her bar, Noah, which was the one Marc suggested I look into early in the semester. She studied the infrastructure of a meat locker and adapted it to the needs of the bar. Three things about this precedent interested me:
1. She hung all of the furniture from the existing grid that the meat carcasses used to hang from ("Hanging")
2. The grid allowed the individual patrons of the bar to move the furniture to different spots depending on the size of their group or their personal preferences. The furniture could also be moved up and down to accomodate standing/sitting/etc. This is an example of the individuals using the architecture to influence the circulation, use and atmosphere of the space.
3. She was influenced by the site.
Also, HaJung, she did a spa in Botswana (Okavango Delta Spa) that included a "crocodile-resistant lap pool" in which the people are in the cage and the crocs are free...Go to her site, then click on "Projects," "Buildings," "Okavango Delta Spa" and then click on the last image in the group to see what it looks like.
Our final pin-up/review is scheduled for Tuesday, April 24. Then the book is due Tuesday, May 8 (?)...
Most of us have final studio presentations on Friday, April 27. The official last week of class is the week of April 30. Is there any way we can do our final pin-up/review on Tuesday, May 1 and hand in the book on May 8?
I realize you may have already scheduled critics, etc. but just wanted to ask because it will give us more time under less hectic circumstances to focus on the final review.
please dont treat this as you did the reading assignment.
this work was already considered late after tuesday...
so whats the hold up (again?)
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
two more narratives
While I stand in the main hall, I can feel a calm and stable air embracing my body. There are only a few people remains, and much more persons are living the place than coming in. The tattling sounds of a group of students and brisk steps’ family disappeared. There are just low sounds of officers’ who prepare to close their work. I look up the skylight of that hall; the sky changes its colors from a cobalt blue to a deep blue. The halogen lights in the wall more and more diffuse their glowing, and stone walls that receive a light define the texture of the material with contrasts. When I walk into the exhibition area, delicate focal glows in glass boxes emit the lights. They attract my eyes to next space. When I return to the main hall area, the sky over the windows already turn to deep purple-indigo color. Far away, in the Washington Bridge, an array of sparkling small red and orange lights is moving to New Jersey.
A staff
After get out from heavy traffic of the city, once I drive a car to the Margaret Corbin Drive, this road takes me to my work place through Fort Tryon Park. Seeing the scene of the outside is an important task to me from my closed inside of the car – they awaken my brain still sleeping. The panoramic view made by big trees stand in both side of the road spread in the front side. Sparkling sunshine through shadows of trees is reflected by the windows. When I see from far away, the museum building and sky looks like touch with each other. I open the window in the driver’s seat, fresh air blows into the car. Stepping and breathing sounds of jogging people slightly past by me. Finally, I arrive the building. Taking off the car, the touch on my feet of the stone blocks’ floor reminds me that I come back here again. The floor, getting have a gloss as time past, is shining with sunshine. The stair to the basement is a way to my office. I’m going down pretty dark space, but I can enjoy the sunshine in the court yard.
The elevator shoots me up to the Fort Tryon Park from the subway station. The brown roofs of buildings spread before me. Finally, I arrived here after spend almost one hour in the darkness of underground. So, fresh green colors of the Fort Tryon Park excite my feelings with shining sun light which is reflected by the leaves. Passing through the road, the breeze of the Hudson River hit my body smoothly, birds’ humming tickles my ears. Stepping up an old granite stair to the building make me feels that I’m entering to another space – separation from urban life. In the long and narrow hall way, I can see the slight light come straight down to the dark hallway. The fresh and peaceful air get in this space, it touches my skin softly. At the end of the corridor, people’s sounds from a beyond place create small tension to me. When I step in to the entrance hall, I see dynamic movements of people. They are seating in the benches, just walking around, and searching something, ticketing, talking with officer. The tender sunshine is beating down them and the space is filled with bright and cheerful moods. I feel the genial sunshine over the head and I look up the ceiling; over the window, there is a sky passing clouds and scattering sunshine. Looking around the hall, the wall is extended to somewhere with vigorous shape and it offers a continuous view to the inner space. While I walk into this space along this wall, the space turns to dark and quiet, and just several glowing lights spread from inside.
July, 1:00pm
Above the fast pace of the city streets, you occupy a space that is removed from the place below. The sounds are dampened, the view is different. This is a place that escapes both the landscape and the velocity of Manhattan as you experience it on a daily basis. Looking to the left and to the right, you see the juncture of nature and industry. To the left, buildings rise at staggering heights. Windows give occupants a view from within to the outside world, but no chance to feel the breeze or smell the undergrowth. They are enclosed in a space built by man, with no natural intervention. To the right, the Hudson River flows. Adjacent to the Hudson, is the fast counterpart to the Highline- the West Side Highway. Cars speed through, moving people from one place to another, enclosed in their vehicles and disconnected from the world you occupy. Below your feet, planks sewn between vegetation signal the path. The surface is softer and has more give than the city streets, the softness of the wood a welcome relief from the concrete pavement you traverse otherwise.
Just ahead, you see the manifestation of what this place once was. A building straddling the elevated path you follow. Along the course of your path, you’ve seen hints at the original use of the space- steel railings, bits of track, crossties…each peeking out from the planks and paths. But now it becomes clearer, that this was a place of transportation not of people, but for trains. As you enter the void beneath the building, your skin feels relief from the rays of the sun. You stop, taking a moment as your pupils dilate to absorb the intricacies of this new environment. You become aware that you have entered a new space, one that seems to interlock and be connected with a hotel. You look up and see something that is both curious and thought-provoking. You look towards the windows on the left and see guests checking in and walking towards their rooms. On the right you see a bar, completely still and full of daylight. You feel that you have been given a secret peek at something the bar patrons who fill it each night will never know. Your view is open, bright, all-revealing. Theirs is inhibited by the darkness, masses of people, and an intoxication of both alcohol and excitement for what the night holds. As you emerge into the daylight again, you squint your eyes and allow your eyes adjust to the dramatic change in light. You continue on your way, with the feeling of having taken a short excursion to a different space, twice removed from the streets below.
Hotel Guest
April, 4:00pm
As the cab pulls up to the valet, a man opens your door and begins to assist you with your luggage. It is a simple, yet welcome luxury after having spent several hours on a plane, then in an uncomfortable cab, waiting in traffic to finally arrive at your temporary home in Manhattan. As you ascend from the ground level to the main lobby above, you can immediately sense a shift in the level of activity, noise and visual stimulation that are inherent to the streets of the city. Once you reach the top, you walk towards the registration desk. To the right, you see outside, towards the High Line. Pedestrians are walking through, looking up and looking in. Some are stopped, resting in the shade that the building provides. Looking out towards the High Line piques your curiosity and draws you towards it. You wish that the hotel employee would hurry up so that you can go explore. You continue towards the elevators, which are beyond the front registration desk. In this transition space, you are able to get a better glimpse at the Highline, as well as the bar on the opposite side. Once you reach your floor, you walk past several doorways, checking the number on each one to help you determine how close you are and on what side your room will be. Once you reach your room, you set down your bags near the doorway and walk immediately towards the windows to take in the view.
Hotel Manager
September, 9:30am
The A/C/E subway has dropped you off two blocks from your office at 14th Street and 8th Avenue. You weave through pedestrians who are bustling past, zombie-like, on their way to work. You hear the air brakes and the beeps that accompany the lowering of a bus that pulls up next to the curb. A woman in beautiful clothing picks up after her dog and strides away, in a focused, quick pace towards a trash can and then around the corner. Shop owners are opening the gates on their storefronts and people sit at café tables reading the paper and drinking coffee. You cross 9th Avenue and continue through the Meatpacking District stepping over bits of food trash that was discarded while wet but has been smushed into the sidewalk and baked on. There are far fewer cars and people now, and the air hangs quietly. The meat deliveries were made and the club kids went home hours ago in the early dawn. The activity that defines this block will not begin again until after night falls. As you instinctively step aside to avoid a homeless man pushing his cart, you look into the windows of Stella McCartney, seeing a trace of your reflection. Upon arriving at work, you enter the hotel offices on the ground floor of the building. You review the day’s schedule, checking to see how many guests will be checking in and out of the hotel, making sure the housekeeping staff is ready and a meeting with the bar manager. Your office is lit mostly by artificial light, as it receives no direct sunlight due to the fact that it is underneath the elevated High Line. This is in stark contrast with the hotel above, which is full of daylight. You don’t mind because you spend most of the day in meetings off-site and making the rounds through the hotel space.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
analytical drawing

This is my perspective that I wanted to show you. The space is consisted with shearing masses. And lights at between shearing edges show relationships of volumes and intesify their gesture, and also imply the communication with the outside. Extended walls show the direction of movements for people.
about the narratives, I'm reading the book (The Practice of Everyday Life) and I will post narratives ASAP.
Aqua Display
Having water as a big part of my project, I have tried to find out ways on utilizing this natural element by incorporating it to the program and making it have a purpose rather than just pure aesthetics like what we're used to such as water fountains and the like. Humidifiers, cooling systems...came to mind. Then, I came across this invention by Julius Popp from Germany called Bitfall. It is an installation where water is being used to project images taken from the internet. A computer observes various news websites and chooses thereafter the images to be displayed. 128 nozzles are controlled by synchronised magnetic valves, and the water drops falling to the ground shape the images. The visual information is only tangible for a second before the drops merge to become water again. With this as a feature, it can be a way to direct traffic in a given space as well as keeping the people entertained while waiting for their ferry ride.
Monday, April 9, 2007
Diagram about using chopsticks
1) Rest the end of the lower chopstick in the V of your thumb and forefinger. Support the chopstick with the little finger and the ring finger.
2) Hold the upper chopstick as if it were a pencil, held between your middle finger and index finger, and anchored with your thumb.
3) Make sure the tips of the chopsticks are always even, and the same length - it is impossible to use the chopsticks effectively if the tip of one stick protrudes beyond the other.
4) When picking up food, the lower chopstick should remain still - only the upper chopstick should pivot, with the thumb as axis.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
"Innovation & Technology in Designing Housing"
"It [domestic space] allows everyone to carve out his/her own tailor-made habitat, to move beyond the concept of architectural space as something fixed, immutable, forever frozen. Dividing walls have become dynamic, they have lightweight surfaces, are full height and can be used by individuals to invent and reconfigure their living spaces adapting them to nighttime and daytime cycles. Equally dynamic external facades transform themselves, variously letting in the desired amount of natural light, shading or ventilating spaces. The result is a surface with a configuration as impermanent as the lives of its inhabitants, in which plurailty and changeability are emphasised with means that technology makes available, along with the well-considered use of materials."
One thing that I would like to focus in on is the contrast of the hotel, which is a 24-hour space, against the bar, which has clearly defined moments of life and stillness. In addition, the High Line is a space that will operate in a 24-hour cycle, and uses lighting as a way to define the differences. So the bar is set in between these two spaces that never sleep...however, it only joins them at night.
Chapel of St.Ignatius-Steven Holl


The Skyscraper Museum is located in lower Manhattan's Battery Park City at 39 Battery Place.