Monday, March 3, 2008


I have been working on my statement a bit.. i think i am getting closer but still need to work on it. Please let me know your opinions and comments.
Marc- can you let me know if i am on the right track with this?

As we move through the urban landscape we are constantly experiencing a cinematic sequence through varying degrees of illusion totally fabricated by man in his quest to live inside the urban fantasy. The illusion of Manhattan’s idealist desires are constantly in flux, as a “theatre” of progress, recreating itself both through its architecture and fashion. Both architecture and fashion in New York City create theatrical illusions that mask and change perceptions. Fashion and architecture in the urban landscape constantly exist in movement representing and changing with time. They both exist through the manipulation/displacement of material to create a new surface consisting of both an exterior and interior quality which hides the natural condition of either the material and/or body which exists inside it.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Tiffany- This is a good introductory paragraph to your precis. Now I would work on backing up your statements. Many of them are quite subjective, try finding some more objective information or confirmation of your opinions in others writings.