Wednesday, February 28, 2007


There are 2 things I wish to diagram. One is the Lunar Tide as you suggested in class and Animal Migration. Both are quite interesting and I think it would be helpful for my project.

Considering water as a big element in my program, having to look into the periodic rise and falling of a body of water and creating a relationship and interaction with the structure of my program would be something I would love to explore.

Animal Migration as another thought deals with a periodic movement of an animal from the place where it has been living to a new area and its subsequent return journey to the original home. When animals migrate, it is usually to find abundant food and a good place to breed which we humans do as well. I still couldn’t make up my mind as to what type I would like to concentrate on—birds or mammals (which includes humans)…or do I just do both and see what relationship they have and hopefully come up with an interesting diagram?

1 comment:

Kate Nazzaro said...

Hey Penelope,
I like your idea about represents cycles and repetition which I think are elements you have touched on, at least indirectly in your discussions in the past of this project. Maybe also take into account the major climate changes occuring right now and how that's affecting migration patterns. I was just reading that the beaver just made its return to Manhattan in 200 years due to population growth coupled simultaneously with loss of habitat elsewhere. In Santa Fe, there are now species of birds who have never migrated there before. The furthest north they used to come was Mexico.
Another thing about the beaver and your project...the article mentions that beavers played a prominent role in the development of Manhattan because of the fur trade- which would not have been possible if it weren't a port city accessible to European traders.
I read all this beaver info in the Times but it is not available online so here is the CNN version:
Oh, and one more thing about beavers. They are an interesting species because they are semi-aquatic & live on your project